Stefano Altara was born in Turin on June 4th1967.
He graduated in Law (Università di Torino) in 1992 with honours.
He is member of the Turin Bar since 1995 qualified to represent before the Corte di Cassazione and the Italian high courts.
He was funding partner of Paolo Emilio Ferreri law firm in Turin.
He is funding partner of Musumeci, Altara, Desana Law Firm.
2003-2005 Secretary of Associazione Giovani Avvocati di Torino (AGAT).
2005-2007 Chairman of Associazione Giovani Avvocati di Torino (AGAT).
2007-2009 Member of Collegio dei Probiviri of Associazione Giovani Avvocati di Torino (AGAT).
Member of the Board of Directors of Finde Spa, with registered office in Turin.
Member of the Board of Directors of IP Investimenti e Partecipazioni Srl, with registered office in Turin.
Member of the Board of Directors of S. Lattes & C. Editori Spa from June 2011.
Member of the Board of Directors of DiaSorin SpA, with registered office in Saluggia.
Member of the Scientific Committee for Civil Law established by the Turin Bar Association